High school
Nickolas Johnston
English 1
Graduating, seniors get to walk across the stage, see their family smiling, and get to enjoy the success of finishing high school, But there are so many kids never get to feel that happiness and the good feeling , which comes with graduating. So,why do so many students not graduate? I believe so many student never graduate because a lack of responsibility and not having the right mind set
Responsibility is like the kiss of best to young students,because of the homework that has to be done, and he’s schools goals for yourself. Students with no responsibility are like dead trees that don’t move . Students with out responsibility don’t do homework and always have a reason why they didn’t get it done. Responsibility is important because of the homework students get every day . Freshman students have ninety minutes of homework every day. In those ninety students practice the process of each subject. Without those ninety minutes students lose the practice that is needed for survival. So just like a football player who doesn’t practice, they begin to lose muscle and weaken. For example, Nick is a freshman student , and he has a big math test coming up . But he chooses not to do the math homework and doesn’t learn the process,so come test day he fails and wonders why he isn’t passing
In addition, having a bad mindset is also a death trap for students and contribute to their desire to drop out of school . Because a student with a bad mindset will ignore their teacher,and not learn the process . For example, Joe is a freshman student that doesn’t have any confidence, so he doesn’t listen to the teacher and blocks her out with loud music. As he is listening to music he also is not learning what is needed for he’s sophomore year and falls behind in class. He doesn’t not graduate school. So he is working in a fast food job, flipping burgers, taking trash out, and barely making any money to live on for he’s future and also his family’s future
Therefore, students don’t graduate because they don’t have responsibility and like negative people they have a bad mindset.